Put Them in a Trance
Today we will examine the 5 essential keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign launch. Once you have these basics down, you will be able to use them over and over again. The 5 essential keys are: Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP); Put an effective sales offer to work; Avoid the marketing pitfalls; […]
Make It Pop
There are 5 major components to good advertising copy (The order of these is essential to success): • Command Attention; • Showcase Benefits of Products and/or Services; • Prove the Benefits; • Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits; • Call to Action. Advertising is sales in print. So you need to consider how to showcase […]
Stop Wasting Your Resources!
Today you’re going to learn how to find a target market of potential customers so you aren’t wasting precious resources on blitz marketing. So, the two questions you have to ask yourself are: What do people really want to buy from me? What related products are they already buying? Once you figure this out you […]